
How to Resolve SQL Server Can’t Start the WMI Service?

Home » Database » How to Resolve SQL Server Can’t Start the WMI Service?

Problem Description

During SQL Server installation, it prompts that the WMI service cannot start.

How to fix SQL Server can’t start the WMI service?

1. Create a new txt file, copy the following code into it:

@echo on
cd /d c:\temp
if not exist %windir%\system32\wbem goto TryInstall
cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem
net stop winmgmt
winmgmt /kill
if exist Rep_bak rd Rep_bak /s /q
rename Repository Rep_bak
for %%i in (*.dll) do RegSvr32 -s %%i
for %%i in (*.exe) do call :FixSrv %%i
for %%i in (*.mof,*.mfl) do Mofcomp %%i
net start winmgmt
goto End

2. Change the file extension of the txt file to .bat

3. Run the bat file as an administrator

4. Open a CMD window, type Services.msc to check if the WMI service has started normally

5. If the service starts correctly, you can proceed to reinstall SQL Server.


By Jaxon Tisdale

I am Jaxon Tisdale. I will share you with my experience in Network, AWS, and databases.

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